Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Oscar Picks, End Game

[The predictions make me seem smart, the contrariness makes me seem hip. Obligatory link to the Indie Spirit Awards]
Apologies that this final part is not as in-depth as it could have been. I’ve had a few things going on in the real world, ranging from an extremely obtuse landlord to preparations for my own form of walkabout. But here are my thoughts for the final batch of awards.  Other categories discussed here and here.
(Prediction bolded. If I’ve linked a film you can click through to a review I’ve already done on this here blog. Didn’t manage to get ‘em all written up, but c’est la vie. Deal.)
Best Picture

In this case I’ve listed the nominees in order from my favorite to least, (the rest are alphabetical) but I’m gonna start by ruining the whole show: The Artist is going to win Best Picture. If that’s all you wanted to find out you can stop reading. It’s a year for nostalgia, and this hits almost all the right notes. “But wait,” you may be saying, “The Descendants is supposed to be really amazing. It might win.” Or, “I saw The Descendants and thought it was excellent.” In either case  you’re wrong. I really liked the AV Club article that breaks down the safe-ness and feel-goody-ness of the nominees, especially where he calls out people for elevating The Descendants when it is probably Payne’s 4th best work. Out of 5. Payne’s a great writer and capable director, it’s good but safe, and I thought Beginners did more with similar thematic material, was a bit upset it wasn’t nominated.
The most challenging of this batch is The Tree of Life, but it’s a very polarizing film. Hugo is my number two, but as a student of film who has studied Melies I’ll admit I really got caught up in sections commemorating early cinema, and I am consciously choosing to ignore its many shortcomings. Extremely Loud is dead last by a landslide as a much poorer, almost exploitative version of the same “orphaned kid searching to match lock to key” story as Hugo. I really enjoyed Midnight in Paris, and the rest I liked generally but not passionately.

I’m gonna be short & sweet with the rest of the picks, if I get some time to elaborate later today I’ll update and notify, but for now...

Best Foreign Language Film
  • Bullhead (Belgium)
  • Footnote (Israel)
  • In Darkness (Poland)
  • Monsieur Lazhar (Canada)
  • A Separation (Iran)
A Separation is first on my list of films that I’m frustrated I wasn’t yet able to see. C’mon, Mich Theater, why must I wait until March?
Best Animated Feature
  • A Cat in Paris
  • Chico & Rita
  • Kung Fu Panda 2
  • Puss in Boots
  • Rango
I’m going to admit I liked Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2 more than most, but all signs point to Rango, which I’m cool with.  Interesting column about the category highlighting the two wild cards. Agreed that there is almost never sufficient representation here from Japan, the rare Miyazaki nod notwithstanding.

Best Documentary, Feature

See Wednesday's post. Pina was pretty great, visually dazzling, but it's not enough of a bio-doc and I have a hard time calling a "dance film" a documentary, so I'm rooting for Paradise Lost 3, sight unseen.

Best Performance, Lead Actor
  • Demián Bechir  - A Better Life
  • George Clooney - The Descendants
  • Jean Dujardin - The Artist
  • Gary Oldman - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
  • Brad Pitt - Moneyball
This may tilt to Clooney, who is good, but he’s Clooney. For all the fawning over The Descendants, I’m not convinced. I like Dujardin to take this instead.
Best Performance, Lead Actress
  • Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs
  • Viola Davis - The Help
  • Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
  • Michelle Williams - My Week with Marilyn

I have not seen all of these, so I’m rooting for Michelle Williams, who I have been in love with since her "Dawson’s Creek" days and should have won last year for Blue Valentine. Would be okay with the “young hip” nod to Mara.
Best Performance, Supporting Actor
  • Kenneth Branagh - My Week with Marilyn
  • Johan Hill - Moneyball
  • Nick Nolte - Warrior
  • Christopher Plummer - Beginners
  • Max von Sydow - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
For my money it’s Plummer, though Nolte was notably great, too. This category is a great example of the Academy limiting itself with 5 nominees. It’s missing some Patton Oswalt (Young Adult) and Albert Brooks (Drive).

Best Performance, Supporting Actress

And this category is a great example of the Academy punching me in the face. Melissa McCarthy was definitely the best thing about Bridesmaids, but award-worthy? Psssh.

Best Director

A bit of a toss-up. I would vote Malick, but I highly doubt that will happen, so predicting Hazanavicius. Will likely portend the Best Pic result.
Best Writing - Original Screenplay

By process of elimination I’m giving it to The Artist, though I think Margin Call is equally deserving.

Best Writing - Adapted Screenplay
  • The Descendants
  • Hugo 
  • The Ides of March
  • Moneyball
  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

My vote is Hugo, because I’m a sap. But my prediction is The Descendants, grudgingly.

Best Cinematography

Tree of Life Please please please otherwise the world has no meaning.

Best Editing
  • The Artist
  • The Descendants
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Hugo
  • Moneyball
In my opinion this tends to be a rather bland category. I’m going for Hugo (Thelma!) in the absence of more cutting-edge fare. Will live when The Artist wins. Would rather see something indie like Another Earth or Bellflower, however unlikely. And a pox on the lack of Beginners!

See you on the red carpet! (I spilled some wine.)

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