Sunday, January 15, 2012

Notes on Globes and Bloges

Awards season is in full swing. Golden Globes tonight, Oscar noms next Tuesday, then a little more than a month until the big show. Friends know I typically attempt to see as many Oscar nominated films before the ceremony and last year I did a whole rundown of all of the nominees and posted my favorites/predictions on The Bookface. It’s just something to do to keep up on what’s happening during the long, cold winter and have an educated opinion rather than taking shots in the dark. That said, I’m never really prepared enough for the Globes - based on what I’ve seen so far this year I’m probably a more primed to talk about the Independent Spirit Awards - so I’m not going to make any predictions for tonight’s hardware.

The profile of the Golden Globes has risen over the last few years and it seems like they’re making a push to get themselves near the level of the Emmys and the Oscars in terms of public interest. This year the Hollywood Foreign Press is trying like mad to capitalize on the Ricky Gervais Effect, and it’s a smart move. The Academy Awards will always be top dog but its hosts have been inconsistent as of late and the quality of the production seems constantly in flux. That’s left an opening for a different kind of show to step up and pull some ratings. Gervais made the GGs a bit more like a Friar’s Roast last year, so I imagine he’ll up the ante tonight. I’m curious how the aftermath will play out in the short term, how it’ll influence the Oscar show with Billy Crystal returning to host, and if this will carry over to next year.

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I’ve been enjoying writing the blog so far, and I hope someone out there is enjoying it. Even after the Bridesmaids/Young Adult double-up today I already have another half-dozen more reviews in my pocket in varying degrees of completion. I’ve stepped out and hit the theater at least once per week (that’ll probably bump up to two or three during the next month), and I’m still trying to keep a pace of seven new films per week. So far, so good.

To be continued...

jmm 1-15-12

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the Golden Globes. Sounds like a fun watch tonight!
